Magic Show

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Mr. Pitcher arranged for a Magic Show to come to our school on Thursday, October 29, 2015.  Students who demonstrated outstanding behavior for Term 1 attended.  The magician amazed us all with his magical powers! He turned water into snow, put a needle through a balloon, transformed a blank coloring book to colorful pictures and made a bunny appear.  Everyone loved it.  Continue the great behavior Eagles!    


First Grade Animal Show

Submitted by angie.keisel on

First Grade had their monthly behavior reward activity. The first graders have been working really hard to listen to others, follow instructions and make good choices. They had the opportunity to experience a Live Animal Show from the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. They learned about classification and how to sort animals into the correct animal groups. The animal groups they learned about were mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and fish. After that the students were able to pet a python.


Article and photos by Kirstie Brickey

Time for Breakfast!

Submitted by angie.keisel on

In addition to the Fuel Up and Play 60 assembly last week, Rees Elementary had some fun incentives going on this week during breakfast.    Students filed in to grab a filling breakfast to start their school day and participate in some fun activities.  There were drawings for those who could guess the closest amount of pieces of cereal in the jars, raffle drawings for prizes and even a visit from some MMHS football players.  It was the busiest breakfast week the lunch ladies had ever seen!  We’d like to say a special THANK YOU to them for all of the preparation.

Marshmallow Dodgeball

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Mrs. Shumway, our fabulous school counselor, visited Miss Saxon's class. The students got to play a few rounds of marshmallow dodgeball to go along with her lesson on good sportsmanship. It was a blast!


by Jen Saxon