Family Movie Night

Submitted by angie.keisel on

To say thank you to our wonderful and supportive parents, the school held a family movie night on Friday, September 11, 2015.  Students and their families were invited to the school to enjoy an outside movie on the ‘big screen’.  The lawn filled up quickly with blankets, chairs, excitement and laughter.  Popcorn was gobbled, books were given away, water bottles were chilled, and delicious fry bread was served (talk about a long line!).  It was so fun to see parents from our community with their families (and even teachers with their families) come together to kick off th

Reading and Football

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Maple Mountain High School football players made an appearance to several classrooms last Friday.  The players read to students and threw a ball around to show off their skills.  Students enjoyed interacting with the big high school kids.  


Photos by Miss Wood, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Hirst

United States Map

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Thanks to an Eagle Scout project, our school has a bright colorful map of the United States out by the playground.  The students are loving it!





Photos by Lena Bird

The Sorting Hat

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Miss Ledingham's class in 5th grade has the theme of Harry Potter. 26 people got invited to Hogwarts. We did the sorting hat and everybody had a blast. There are four tables in our class room and the names are...... Gryfindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin.  Gryfindor's are brave.  Hufflepuff's are loyal.  Ravenclaw's are smart. Slytherin's are ambitious.  Ask your child which house they are in. 

Fifth Grade Reporter: Roxie Simpson


Miss Ledingham