Grandparents Program

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The first grade students had a performance to show their parents and
grandparents what they had practiced. They had practiced singing songs for a long time. There were happy faces watching their kids and there were kids smiling at their parents. As family members came in they said "I can't wait to see my kids perform."

Written by Tinisha Quintanna

What A Great Day To Be A Peer Tutor

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

When the peer tutors walked into Mrs. Snyder’s classroom
she started to teach them how to be peer tutors. They
partnered with students in Mrs. Snyder’s class and give
individual assistance in completing independent, level
based tasks. When the peer tutors came and started
helping you could tell everyone was having a good time. We
asked them why they chose to be peer tutors and Katelin
Kinghorn answered “I like to help the kids.” And Connor
Bowen said, “So I can help the kids in need.” Even though

written by Corbin Cox and Gabby Taysom