I Didn't know

Submitted by patty.tew on

I Didn’t Know by Bennett Gordon

I didn’t know that Samoan men would use poi balls to strengthen their wrists for war.  Also I didn’t know that Samoan women used poi balls to strengthen their wrists for knitting and weaving.  I thought poi balls were used just for entertainment.  So next time you see a Samoan person with poi balls, remember that back in the day, it was to help the people prepare and strengthen.

Bennett Gordon

Unusual Hula?

Submitted by patty.tew on

Unusual Hula? by Naomi Memmott

         Some people might find Hula unusual.  But I’m sure that if Hawaiian people saw a teenage girl swinging on a wrecking ball they would have some thoughts themselves. I’d think we are the peculiar ones.  Let me fill you in on some of the stuff we do, including the moves we make and some of the basics we have learned so far in this awesome arts residency. 

Naomi Memmott

Are the Arts Important?

Submitted by patty.tew on

Are the Arts Important?  By Briana Wright

Some people say that in school you are supposed to just learn the usual things like reading, writing and math. They say students shouldn’t waste their time doing the arts, just focus on what you are going to be tested on.  

Briana Wright

Acting is...

Submitted by patty.tew on

Acting is .   .   . by Shannon Vance

Acting is a way of telling a story with your body.  You must tell the story with feelings.  When you act you put yourself in the character’s shoes.  You act out what you would do if you were in their position. 

People in the islands like to express their feelings by songs, by dances and by their body actions.  They also believe in different things then us, such as idols, myths and even reincarnation.

Shannon Vance