Where the Wild Things Are
Where the Wild Things Are
by Sabrina Geroli
Where the Wild Things Are
by Sabrina Geroli
Remember to Vote. You can still register at https://vote.utah.gov. If you received a mail-in ballot, you can mail it or drop it off at in person at locations provided here: utahcounty.gov/elections.
You can find a list of four Early Voting locations or vote on Election Day at twenty-four locations found here: utahcounty.gov/elections.
All invited to the #savethekids free Parent Education Night sponsored by Nebo School District on November 5, 2018, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Springville High audirorium at 1205 East 900 South in Springville, Utah.
Collin Kartchner and Dr. Katey McPherson will lead a discussion on:
Our fabulous PTA has planned a wonderful Red/Green Ribbon Week for October 8th-12th.
It is time to collect BOX TOPS!! Please clip your box tops and send them in to your class. This money benefits the school in ways that we get to choose. Our goal this year is $1,000.00 and everyone can help!! Please carefully clip and send tops in a plastic baggie. Thank you!!