Cougar Built Assembly

Submitted by heidi.groneman on
Cougar Built poster showing the four things they talked about to Rees students.
Cosmo dunking a ball that a Rees teacher threw to him
BYU dunk team member flying through the air to dunk the basketball while Rees students and teachers watch
Cosmo flying through the air to dunk the basketball while Rees students and teachers watch
Another BYU dunk team member flying through the air to dunk the basketball while Rees students and teachers watch
Cosmo dunking the basketball for Rees students and faculty
BYU football players talking to students with Rees teachers lined up behind them
Front view of Cosmo dunking the ball
Side view of Cosmo dunking the ball
Cosmo and some BYU football players with Rees teachers

Rees students had a fun assembly this week where Cosmo, a BYU soccer player, three BYU football players, and the BYU dunk team came to have some fun and teach students to be:

  • Built to Love
  • Built to Learn
  • Built to Work
  • Built to Connect


It was a great time for everyone! Thank you BYU for sharing a great message and having fun with the students!

Adam Gull