Tomorrow: SEP Conferences

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Parent-Teacher Conferences are tomorrow starting at 3:30.  Reminder notes went home earlier this week.  If you have forgotten what time your appointment is, please call the office and they will gladly let you know.  We are excited to meet with you and your child!


Mrs. Crandall - Fifth Grade Teacher

Submitted by angie.keisel on

I am a mixture of lots of random things.  I love running/working out, reading, doing crafts, baking and playing softball.  I just got married and I now have 6 kids! Busy, busy, busy! :)  I have been teaching for 23 years and have loved each class!  I’m a huge BYU fan and Michigan Wolverines fan (where I grew up).  I am probably too competitive. :)


I like green.

I like popcorn and burgers, but I don’t like green foods (veggies).

I like softball.

I like watermelon.

Dashing Through The Snow

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Due to the delayed start for Nebo School District today, Mr. Gull invited everyone to play in the snow this afternoon.  As soon as we heard the song, “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” over the intercom, students grabbed their coats and hustled outside.  Mr. Gull held a “Dashing through the snow race”.  Many gathered around and ran through the snow around the soccer goals and back.  Oh, what fun it is to run in a snow-white-open-field!


Letters From Santa!

Submitted by angie.keisel on

The second graders wrote a letter to Santa early in December in hopes that he would respond before Christmas break.  Anticipation was exploding from the students!  Lo and behold, he did!  However, he was so busy he had his elves answer for him instead!  The kids were so excited they couldn’t contain themselves.  We all loved it!


Photos by second grade teachers

Awesome Authors at Rees

Submitted by angie.keisel on

The sixth grade students had a special surprised for the second graders before Christmas break.  Sixth graders interviewed a second grader and then created a story all about them.  The second graders were so excited to meet a new “older” friend (and they’re not scary!) at school.  They read them their story and ate a candy cane together.  Thanks to the sixth grade students for their hard work to make these stories so special to our second graders.


Photos by Mrs. Tew and Mrs. Keisel

Gingerbread House Contest

Submitted by angie.keisel on

At Monday’s collaboration, teachers were busy creating a gingerbread house for a team building activity.  Kits were provided, but the teachers put a creative twist on it.  It was fun!  Students voted for a gingerbread house and the winner is: the sixth grade team with their creativity of incorporating Brigham Young University!  Congratulations!  



Photos by Mr. Gull

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Submitted by angie.keisel on

If you’re at Rees Elementary this time of year, more than likely, you are hearing what I’m hearing.  Singing!  Christmas songs are being sung throughout the school. 

Each year, we gather together to sing Christmas songs as a school.  Songs are chosen from a hat as students lead the audience with light sabers.  A new piece was added this year where teachers participated in a Christmas lip-sync. 

December Reading Carnival

Submitted by angie.keisel on

The gym filled up quickly as students celebrated!  When students meet their teacher’s reading expectations, students earn tickets.  These tickets go toward carnival activities put on by each grade level at the school.  They can be spent however they choose.  This only happens twice a year.  Continue marking those reading calendars for the carnival that will be held at the end of the year.  Great job students!


Twelve Acts of Service

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Our class decided to spread some cheer and happiness throughout the school by doing a version of the 12 Days of Christmas, only we did 12 random acts of kindness. Most classes received a spontaneous treat from us. We would pick a class from random and surprise them. We read to our Kinder friends and helped clean the cafeteria after breakfast. The class could not forget our awesome office staff so we gave them "a break on us" with a gift card to Sip-In. We also gave books to some classes.

Photo by Mr. Gull