Submitted by adam.gull on
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This year, Nebo School District is moving to a more paperless registration.  This will allow you to register online on your own timeline and in the convenience of your home. Online Registration begins Satuday, July 1st and runs through July 31st.  I encourage you to take the time in the coming weeks to register online.  If you complete registration during this time, there is no need to come in during Walk-in Registration.  Once you have registered, you will be able to view your students' teacher on SIS beginning August 1st.  To register, click on the link below.

Walk-in Registration will take place on August 1st, from 8:00-4:00 at the school. Computers will be provided to complete registration.  Students will not receive their teacher assignment until registration is completed.  If you are registering a NEW student to Rees Elementary, you will need to come in the school and provide the necessary documentation provided on our website  You can come in anytime this summer to provide this information.  Our office hours are Mon-Thur 9:00-2:00; Fri 9:00-12:00 or join us on August 1st from 8:00-4:00.

For those registering kindergarten students, if you would like your child to be considered for extended day (all day kindergarten) you will need to bring your child on August 1st to be assessed from our wonderful kindergarten teachers.  

PTA will also be here on August 1st to help you with joining PTA.  We are grateful to our PTA for what they provide to our school, students and teachers.  Please consider how you can contribute to the school and the success of all Rees students by joining PTA.      

I hope you enjoy this new registration process and find it more convenient.  If you have questions you can call the school at 801-798-4055 or email me at adam.gull [at]  

Thank You,

Mr. Gull