November 2018

It Is All Greek To Me

Submitted by amy.darrington on

It’s All Greek to Me!

By Zach Hargraves

6th Grader

I have learned a lot at the new school, Rees, but my favorite was the Greeks Olympics.  The Olympics was our final celebration that we did on our unit about Ancient Greece. This included reading Percy Jackson, visiting with the Oracle of Delphi, and even reading articles about Greek philosophy and clothing.  

Photos: Tim Mendenhall, Article: Zach Hargraves

3rd grade is!!

Submitted by amy.darrington on

These third graders have something to brag about!  Seventeen students received their first math brag tag for completing 45 of the 60 multiplication problems in three minutes.  Three of those earned an additional brag tag for getting all 60 correct!  Additionally, each class had three recipients earn a student recognition award.  These are for the student of the month from each class and those who have been demonstrating S.O.A.R. qualities throughout October.  Congrats to these awesome students!

Photos and article: Jen Saxon

Artist in Residence Info for 4,5,6 grades SAVE the DATE!!!

Submitted by amy.darrington on

We are super excited to welcome 4 artists to Rees next week for our 4,5,6 grade Artist in Residence experience.  This year we will be hosting Marilyn Berrett (Dance), Roz Newman (Photography), Elaine Brewster (Musical Theater), and Cheri Gibb (Ceramics).  Students have selected their artist of choice and will have the opportunity to learn techniques and skills from these professionals.  We will have a showcase on **NOVEMBER 16th at 1:30**.  All art will be on display and we welcome parents to come and enjoy a performance or stroll through the art gallery

First Grade Students of the Month

Submitted by amy.darrington on

Congratulations to our first grade students of the month.  They were good examples of what is means to S.O.A.R.  Back row: Emery Hughes, Aspen Snyder, Rayden John, Denali Proctor, Haizlee Warren  Front row: Bradley Dondero, Carter Stoll, Saralena Woten   Way to go EAGLES!!

Photo and Article: Carla Nixon