September 2014

Fun Run Fun

Submitted by patty.tew on

The final event for the week of celebrating healthy life styles and smart choices was the Fun Run. Children who participated had a great time running and enjoying the healthy snack after the run. Look to see if you can pick out the fastest fun runners.

Ava Park Shares Talent with Class

Submitted by patty.tew on

On Wednesday, Mrs. Keisel's second grade class was introduced to taekwondo, a Korean martial art.  It was Ava Park's turn to share one of her talents with the class.  She invited her father to come and teach her friends about it.  Students learned that technique is more important than power and that disciplining yourself is important in order to become a better person.  

Mrs. Keisel

Heredity Studies in Fifth Grade

Submitted by patty.tew on

Our fifth graders have just completed their science unit on heredity this last week.  As a culminating activity, a genetic scientist came to give the students a deeper understanding of DNA.  He shared some of the projects he has worked on, which has included genetically altering DNA to help find cures for medical conditions.  With Miss Ledingham as his assistant, he showed the students how they could extract DNA from a banana using household items.  Through the process the students were actually able to see the DNA from the banana without a microscope.  They had a b

Mrs. Ledingham

Kindergarten Field Trip

Submitted by patty.tew on

On Wednesday, five classes of Kindergartners got together at Jolley's Ranch in Hobble Creek Canyon.  They went in search of an experience in nature.  They looked for fall changesand signs of animal life.  They went on a Nature Scavenger Hunt and looked, listened, felt, and smelled fall in the air.  They also got to make a fall leaf picture and make pine cone bird feeders.  They played an animal game and enjoyed the playground too.  kindergarten teachers would like to give a great big THANKS to all of the adults who went along to make sure things went smoothly!

Rees Families Show Determination and Generosity

Submitted by patty.tew on

Monday evening many ambitious Rees families congregated on the north side of the school to participate in the Carnival and Walk-a-thon.  This was a PTA Fundraiser where the students were pledged money for walking and walking and walking.....which they did.  Even after the time was up, there were still students and even preschoolers who did not want to quit!  It appeared that everyone had a great time bouncing, eating, walking, dunking, and being dunked.  Another article will tell of how much money was raised and how many miles were walked.  Thank you everyone for yo

Anything but Hum-Drum

Submitted by patty.tew on

Miss Ledingham's class got a great opportunity by Mr.Ballard to do drumming.  Mr. Ballard calls his drumming group R.A.D. It stands for Rees African drumming.  Mr.Ballard taught us just a few simple beats.  For me it was a tough experience but for other kids in my class it was as easy as pie.  Now parents if you are reading this you should talk your kids into trying out for R.A.D because Miss Ledingham last year had the most kids in R.A.D. Well that’s all I have for you today so catch you next time.

        By: Brody Duvall

by Brody Duvall