Rootbeer Float Party!

Submitted by heidi.groneman on

This week, on Monday, Rees some students had the opportunity to come to a Root Beer Float Party.  Last week, at our reading carnival, these students chose to use some of their carnival tickets to come to the party. It was fun to see the kids talking, smiling, and enjoying their Root Beer Floats. Keep up the great reading this summer Eagles!

Donuts with Mr. Gappmayer

Submitted by heidi.groneman on

On Monday, some of our Rees students had a donut party with Mr. Gappmayer. These students used some of their reading carnival tickets from earlier this month to come to this FUN party.  Students enjoyed donuts while Mr. Gappmayer hung out with them. GREAT job reading! Keep reading every day during the summer!

Pizza Party with the Principal

Submitted by heidi.groneman on

Earlier this week, some Rees students earned a pizza party by doing their reading at home.  Last week, at our reading carnival, these students chose to use some of their carnival tickets to have a pizza party with Mr. Gull. It was fun for everyone! Keep reading all summer!