Marathon Memo

Submitted by patty.tew on

Monday, we had a guest speaker (a marathon runner) come and talk to the students about being active and healthy.  He talked about setting goals and working to meet these goals.  Our school wellness specialist (Bethany Ericksen) has arranged for a great opportunity to help suppoort kids in being active by running 25 miles over the next three months.  On May 3 there is a marathon scheduled in Provo that students can run the final 1.2 miles of the marathon (25 miles before hand and 1.2 miles the day of the race) and earn a medal and get a T-shirt.  Mrs.

Mr. Pitcher

Reading Carnival

Submitted by patty.tew on

Children at Rees Elementary found that it pays to read.... and then return reading calendars to school.  It pays in tickets to attend and participate in the Reading Carnival.  Pictured are children having fun buying books, treats, and admission to games and activities.  there will be another Reading Carnival towards the end of the year, so don't forget to read, read, read, and report!

Manners Feast

Submitted by patty.tew on

Wow!  The manners displayed by Mrs. Tew's Kindergarten classes during their Thanksgiving Feasts were amazing!  The children participated in a manners lesson presented by Mrs.