Excited Kindergartners Visit Museum

Submitted by patty.tew on

February 25th was the long awaited bus ride to Bean Museum to see the newly remodeled displays. Kindergartners and an impressive number of parent/grandparent/uncle and aunt helpers explored the museum looking at animal displays.  The goal was to look at animals in order to analyze how their characteristics enable them to thrive in their habitats.  The children filled out graphs to show their findings.

Fifth Graders Made of Wax

Submitted by patty.tew on

You would have sworn you had just walked into a real wax museum if you walked into the fifth grade classrooms.  The fifth graders were dressed up like famous people from different states.  When you pushed the button in front of them, they talked and told you about themselves.  Then they turned back to wax.  These fifth graders mae of wax were very convincing!

Artist Share Assembly

Submitted by patty.tew on

All of the children participating in the Artists in Residence groups got to exhibit their hard work and talents for the rest of the school and many parents and grandparents.  You can see some of the ways these students are using their talents if you look through these pictures.