Do You Hear What I Hear?

Submitted by angie.keisel on

If you’re at Rees Elementary this time of year, more than likely, you are hearing what I’m hearing.  Singing!  Christmas songs are being sung throughout the school. 

Each year, we gather together to sing Christmas songs as a school.  Songs are chosen from a hat as students lead the audience with light sabers.  A new piece was added this year where teachers participated in a Christmas lip-sync. 

December Reading Carnival

Submitted by angie.keisel on

The gym filled up quickly as students celebrated!  When students meet their teacher’s reading expectations, students earn tickets.  These tickets go toward carnival activities put on by each grade level at the school.  They can be spent however they choose.  This only happens twice a year.  Continue marking those reading calendars for the carnival that will be held at the end of the year.  Great job students!


Twelve Acts of Service

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Our class decided to spread some cheer and happiness throughout the school by doing a version of the 12 Days of Christmas, only we did 12 random acts of kindness. Most classes received a spontaneous treat from us. We would pick a class from random and surprise them. We read to our Kinder friends and helped clean the cafeteria after breakfast. The class could not forget our awesome office staff so we gave them "a break on us" with a gift card to Sip-In. We also gave books to some classes.

Photo by Mr. Gull

Quilts and Cookies

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Mrs. Smith’s fourth grade class had an extra special Christmas party.  A mom and grandma volunteered to plan a party for the class.  What the students didn’t know is they’d be learning a new skill-quilting!  Students tied a quilt and fleece blankets to give to a family in need this Christmas.  Mrs.

Photos by Mrs. Smith

Game Time

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Grades 2-6 attended the women’s basketball game at BYU on Wednesday, December 7, 2016.  This was the first time our school went together.  Students cheered on BYU and it was so loud!  During the game we found out that the bus fare was donated by a generous couple so students could attend the game.  How awesome!  We all had a great time!


Santa's Workshop

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Santa’s Workshop is going on now until Friday, December 9th.  The workshop is a place where handmade gifts (made by our very own students), can be purchased by students to give to their family and friends.  We have taken our time to make sure each item is well worth the money.  Come visit Santa’s Sweet Shop for some popcorn and other treats too.  Hope to see you there!   


Second Grade Stars of November

Submitted by angie.keisel on

Congratulations to these Rees Eagles for their outstanding behavior they’ve showed in their classrooms!  They are: Sydney Emery, Talen DeWitt, Alan Solis, Grace Justensen, Emmanual Vargas, Peyton Hawkins, Reese Leathers, Rebekah Hansen, Allison Bernardino, Heavenly Thomas, Katie Webb, and Brenden Hastings.